Friday, April 24, 2009

Kidney Infections

Kidney disorders commence from minor infections to total kidney failure. Kidney diseases may cause high blood pressure, anemia, and elevated cholesterol. When chronic, this can lead to depression and sexual dysfunction. Kidney stones, diagnosed in more than a million cases annually in the US alone,may be extremely painful and lead to hospital stays and loss of work days. Kidney infection symptoms come very fast and includes fever, chills, pain in the lower back, upset stomach and even vomiting. One should take care to have plenty of fluids especially in summer. Have health checks regularly if you find any unusual occurence of frequent urination, burning sensation and blood in urine. This will also be accompanied with high temperature shivering. Visit your Urologist immediately. The recurrence of such symptoms also indicate that the germ never leaves unless you regularly take culture tests to find out if all bacterial substances are cleared from the urinary tract


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